RFA Tideforce inbound to Devonport this morning in the mist and rain Plymouth Sound.

RFA Tideforce is the Fourth of Class of the Military Afloat Reach & Sustainability (MARS) Tankers.

The Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) provides logistical support to the Royal Navy, all over the world.

At 39,000 tonne, the Tide class tankers are the largest ships currently in service within the Royal Fleet Auxiliary.

The Tide Class tankers are flexible, state-of-the-art double-hulled vessels, designed to provide key underway replenishment at sea for the Royal Navy.

RFA Tideforce, was the final of four Tide-class tankers built for the UK in South Korea, and includes RFA Tidespring, RFA Tiderace, RFA Tidesurge that carry up to 19,000 cubic meters of fuel and 1,400 cubic meters of fresh water in support of Royal Navy operations.

RFA Tideforce has a flight deck able to accommodate the large Chinook helicopter and offers significant improvements over previous RFA tankers of the past.