The PLYM ferry was spotted being towed by tug boats in the Sound this afternoon – on her way down the coast to Falmouth’s A&P dry facilities for a refit.
Maritime experts said to Westward Shipping News the ferry can only be towed in relatively calm sea and wind conditions.
The PLYM ferry together with the TAMAR and LYNHER are the three ferries operated by Tamar Crossings which provide a vital 24-hour ferry service in all weathers for up to 8,000 vehicles and around 1,500 pedestrians each day, 365 days a year.
All three ferries undergoes a full refit every five years with the PLYM the first of the ferries to undergo a refit during this five-year cycle. TAMAR’s next refit is scheduled to take place in April 2024, and LYNHER’s in April 2025.
The refit operation takes about 6 weeks and is expected back in service in mid-June says Tamar Crossings.

The PLYM ferry out in the Sound this afternoon passing The Spirit of Discovery visiting Plymouth on a whistle-stop tour.