A busy naval scene at the Plymouth Breakwater earlier this morning in the mist and rain with RFA Tidespring, HMS Duncan, HMS Brocklesby, and Dutch ship the HNLMS Mercuur.

HMS Duncan, HNLMS Mercuur, and offshore supply ship the Kingdom of Fife

HMS Brocklesby is a Hunt-class mine countermeasures vessel of the Royal Navy, and her primary purpose is to find and neutralise sea mines using a combination of Sonar, Mine Clearance Divers and the Seafox remotely operated vehicle.

She recently paid a port visit to Dublin and was hosted by the Irish Naval Service.

Dutch ship the Mercuur at buoy at the Plymouth breakwater

HNLMS Mercuur was spotted at the Plymouth Breakwater this morning. The ship is a submarine support vessel of the Royal Netherlands Navy.

HNLMS Mercuur was designed specially to support the Dutch submarines. She entered service on 21 August 1987, and is the only surface vessel attached to the Dutch submarine service.

RFA Tidespring and HMS Duncan
Brocklesby coasting along the Hoe foreshore
HMS Duncan taking aim towards the Plymouth Breakwater Lighthouse