Maritime UK, is calling for £2 billion in private and public sector investment every year to deliver its target to decarbonise by 2050, and further support an ambition for the UK to become  a global leader in decarbonisation.

The organisation is the umbrella body for the maritime sector, and brings together the shipping, ports, services, engineering and leisure marine industries.

Maritime UK says that securing £2 billion every year would help the industry decarbonise by developing green fuels, port infrastructure and new types of technology, enabling an overall reduction in carbon emissions. 

The Chief Executive of Maritime UK, Chris Stirling-Rooke, said: “If we are going to decarbonise, we are going to have work with government , and government is going to have to work with industry.” 

“This is an incredible opportunity for collaboration,” he said.

“In the UK we have the expertise and ability to export new technology to the world.” 

“So often we see carbonisation as a real problem – and it is a real challenge, and we are going to have to change.”

“However, it’s a real opportunity. We have the natural resources, we have the technology, we still have in maritime a world-leading industry.”

“So it’s a strong argument to Government and industry to continue to support the journey and help us unlock its full potential,” he added.


Maritime UK has responsibility for the coordination and delivery of industry recommendations within Maritime 2050, and champions a thriving British maritime sector.

Over 1 million jobs and adding £46.1bn to the UK economy, maritime is responsible for facilitating 95% of UK global trade, worth over £500bn per year. 

Maritime sector makes a greater contribution to the UK economy than both rail and air combined. 

The sector is the fundamental enabler of British global trade and exports its own innovative products and services. 

Front picture: Courtesy of Maritime UK