Back in February 2023, Westward Shipping News exclusively interviewed the owner of Drake’s Island, Morgan Phillips, about the future of Plymouth’s jewel in the crown island—and one of the most popular images on our live webcam.

Westward News Blogger Kevin Kelway said: “The fortress island is named after Sir Francis Drake and is the place where my children’s characters the Rockhoppas, live. I wave every morning across the strip of water from the Hoe foreshore to the island from my kitchen window. And visualise all my characters waving back.”

You can purchase the book at Drake’s Island website:

Drake’s Island has made local and national news and is potentially up for sale. Vendors Carter Jonas will not say a price but are inviting offers.

The Magical Island to all native Plymothians is steeped in our DNA and rich in history, with derelict grade II listed buildings, underground tunnels, and a marine habitat that is unique in the Sound, said Kevin 

In our exclusive interview over a year ago, Morgan Phillips talked about his ambitions and why he bought an island.