A green space that houses many elderly rescue horses, biodiversity, nature, and wildlife with stunning views across the river Tamar at Ernesettle Lane – could be destroyed by a huge new solar park if controversial proposals by Plymouth Energy Community (PEC) and Four Greens Community Trust (FGCT) see the light of day.

Nearly 50 residents’ from around the estate of Ernesettle attended a public meeting at St Aidens Church recently to voice their opposition to plans that could see many of the elderly rescue horses euthanised, and the loss of a green space, said Debbie White.

Picture left to right: Paul Elliot of (PEC), Debbie White, Mark Rowles, CEO of (FGCT) and John Ellwood of (PEC) Communications

The public consultation event was organised by Plymouth Energy Community and Four Greens Community Trust to engage local opinion on its plans, where they already run a solar park in the area and are looking to expand on the green field at Ernesettle Lane.

Debbie White, said: “I have leased the field for 10 years and it is a community hub, and I’m immensely proud that so many residents took time out to support my campaign of saying ‘No’ to the solar panels and keeping our field green for the horses, wildlife, and especially the beautiful river view that would be blighted by the huge solar panels.”

The Green Field under threat by the River Tamar

“The Ministry of Defence has plenty of brown field and derelict land in the area that could house the solar panels, and why tear up one of our last community green spaces that should be passed on to future generations to enjoy?” she said.

“We are hoping Historic England will look at these plans that could really impact the riverside environment and take away the beauty of the area and one of our last green spaces by the River Tamar.”

“We have started a community petition that is paper-based and will go online to support our campaign to save the field.”

Debbie White leading the campaign to NO Solar Panels and mobilising the campaign to save the field for future generations

“We are looking to raise thousands of signatures that will be submitted to the Four Greens Community Trust that was given the site by Plymouth City Council, and we’ll also send copies to His Majesty the King.”

Four Greens Community Trust was established in 2014 in partnership with Plymouth City Council and works in the north of the city to help eradicate social isolation, poverty, and health inequalities with its board members made up of community volunteers.

Plymouth Energy Community is a social enterprise that works across the city, supporting organisations, community groups, and local families with advice on home energy, fuel debt, insulation grants, volunteering, and training issues.

The Domesday Book manuscript record of the Great Survey of much of England and parts of Wales, completed in 1086 at the behest of William the Conqueror, first mentioned Ernesettle where an old Saxon manor was.

By the 15th century, there were two farms, Great Ernesettle and Little Ernesettle, both named after William Ernstell, a freeholder of Budshead, who owned the land until 1428.

During the Second World War, Abercrombie set out a vision for the city when the conflict was over, and Ernesettle is one of Plymouth’s most unique post-war suburbs that was completed in 1953.

Nearly 50 residents attended the Public Consultation at St Aidens Church

Anyone looking to voice their opinion on the (PEC) and (FGCT) plans can email:  

You can sign the paper petition at St Aidans Church Cafe with over 400 signatures already signed with plans to place the petition online also.

The petition is now on Debbie’s Facebook Page: