The first ever visit to Plymouth of HMS Audacious and the fourth Astute-class nuclear-powered fleet submarine of the Royal Navy inbound to Devonport this afternoon with heavy police security.

Audacious‘s nuclear reactor will not need to be refuelled during the boat’s 25-year service. The submarine can purify water and air, and will be able to circumnavigate the planet without surfacing.

HMS Audacious can carry three months’ supply of food for 98 officers and ratings.

Audacious has provision for up-to 38 weapons in six 21-inch (533 mm) torpedo tubes, and is capable of firing Tomahawk Block IV land-attack missiles with a range of 1,000 miles and Spearfish heavyweight torpedoes.

After several attempts postponed due to bad weather conditions, HMS Audacious arrived in Plymouth this afternoon.
Inbound across Plymouth Hoe seafront.
HMS Audacious is the first Astute-class submarine to be dry-docked and undergo maintenance in Plymouth Devonport.