The city’s National Marine Aquarium received a birthday cake for its 25th Anniversary year from the team at Destination Plymouth yesterday – holding its annual conference at the famous waterside venue.

Richard Stevens MBE, DL, Chair of Destination Plymouth presented the cake to Roger Maslin CEO, Ocean Conservation Trust, who opened the annual showcase and talked about the role of the (NMA), but especially the Ocean Conservation Trust Charity focusing on habitat restoration, pro-Ocean behaviour change.

Mr Maslin, said: “We are excited about the work we are doing to preserve and restore our ocean habitats in Plymouth Sound and across the South West, but especially engaging with local communities to support what we are doing,” he said. 

Roger Maslin CEO, of the Ocean Conservation Trust opening the conference

Many Plymothians will remember the old aquarium based on the Hoe since 1888, and the (NMA) was officially opened by the late Duke of Edinburgh in 1998 with a grand city opening.

The view looking out across the Sound from the NMA Conference Suite

The (NMA) has welcomed over 7 million visitors, and over 600,000 children have visited the Aquarium as part of a school trip or educational visits, and it is the perfect location for business networking and events.

More of the Destination Plymouth Conference will follow…